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About Me

Hey there! My name is Shellian and I am the founder of

A Little About Little Old Me

I’m a college graduate working as a Contract Assistant. I graduated from Stony Brook University with a Bachelor’s in Health Science (concentration: public health) and a minor in biology. I was a pre-med and still may be at heart. Lol, I am not really sure, to be honest.

When I am not working from 9 to 5, you can usually find me in several places: in the gym (trying to work on my fitness), in my room (catching up on sleep, anime, or reading), in my car with friends (going on our next adventure) or at my desk working on content for my blog,

Where did the Idea Come from?

I’ve been toying with starting and maintaining a blog since I was a senior high school. In fact, I had set up a blog. The goal for it was to provide advice for college student struggles. It didn’t take off like I wanted to and for a while, I left the idea of becoming a blogger alone. But something kept calling me back to this idea, I decided in January that this was the year to finally start and start I didn’t. Lol, bet you were expecting for me to say I did. Sorry to disappoint you, I didn’t start right away. I didn’t start right away for the simple reason I didn’t know how to start a proper blog. Sure, I made a blog a couple of years ago but that didn’t go so well. This time when I started, I wanted to start right.


I started looking around for help with blogging and I happened to stumble (most likely tripped; I can be incredibly clumsy at times) into Alex and Lauren at What I found on their site was helpful and informative so I decided to sign up for their 7 Day E-course. While I liked the e-course, I felt that I needed more so I paid for their Launch Your Blog course. One of the best decisions I’ve made. The course showed me step-by-step on how to launch a blog right. 

What I hope for the Future

I am hoping that with this start, my blog will grow and evolve. I am so excited and nervous to finally be starting this journey and hope that every one of you who have somehow stumbled upon this site finds something helpful like I did when I stumbled.

Thank you for stopping by!

– Shelly

P.S. Always looking to meet new people, learn new things and try new things. That means that I want to meet you and learn from you. Don’t be afraid to send me a quick message here.